Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happiness Is...

An evening of writing and chocolate. Mmmmm, chocolate.

Having sent the partial off to the agent, I've been keeping myself busy by working on my next story, a YA Urban Fantasy. It's in the very early stages, only a few pages written, so I'll discuss the plot at greater length when I'm a little further along in the story.

But just as I did with Surviving Matewan, my writing process is going something like this:

[Type type type] This is so much fun! This is great, I love this! [type type type]

Five minutes later

[Type type type] This is terrible! It's not coming together! What was I thinking, trying to write a story like this! This story sucks! I suck! [type type type]

Five minutes later

[Type type type] This is so much fun! This is great, I love this! [type type type]

Rinse, repeat.


  1. From talking to other writers, I'm starting to think it's a pretty normal part of the writing process. Still, it's funny!
